Date Announced |
08/11/2010 |
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Announcement | |
Subject |
Contents |
Announcement Details : On behalf of the Board of Directors of Dayang ("Board"), OSK Investment Bank Berhad ("OSK") wishes to announce that Dayang proposes to undertake the following corporate proposals:-
(i) Proposed bonus issue of 88,000,000 new ordinary shares of RM0.50 each in Dayang ("Bonus Share(s)") on the basis of one (1) Bonus Share for every four (4) existing ordinary shares of RM0.50 each ("Share(s)") held in Dayang on an entitlement date to be determined later ("Proposed Bonus Issue"); and
(ii) Proposed renounceable rights issue of 110,000,000 new Shares ("Rights Share(s)") on the basis of one (1) Rights Share for every four (4) existing Shares held in Dayang after the Proposed Bonus Issue at an entitlement date to be determined later ("Proposed Rights Issue").
(Collectively referred to as the "Proposals").
Further details on the Proposals are set out in the attachments.
This announcement is dated 8 November 2010.