On behalf of the Board, OSK wishes to announce that Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad ("Bursa Securities") had vide its letter dated 21 December 2010, approved the following:-
i. listing and quotation of 88,000,000 new ordinary shares of RM0.50 each to be issued pursuant to the Proposed Bonus Issue; and
ii. listing and quotation of 110,000,000 Rights Shares to be issued pursuant to the Proposed Rights Issue.
The approval granted by Bursa Securities is subject to the following conditions:-
i. Dayang and its adviser must fully comply with the relevant provisions under the Main Market Listing Requirements ("Main LR") pertaining to the implementation of the Proposals;
ii. Dayang and its adviser to inform Bursa Securities upon the completion of the Proposals;
iii. Dayang to furnish Bursa Securities with a written confirmation of its compliance with the terms and conditions of Bursa Securities' approval once the Proposals are completed; and
iv. Dayang and its adviser are required to make the relevant announcements pursuant to Paragraph 6.35(2)(a) & (b) and 6.35(4) of the Main LR.
This announcement is dated 22 December 2010.