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The terms used herein, unless the context otherwise states, shall bear the same meaning as those defined in the announcement dated 8 November 2010 in relation to the Proposals.
We refer to the announcements dated 8 November 2010, 22 December 2010 and 10 January 2011 in relation to the Proposals.
On behalf of the Board, OSK wishes to announce that the Board had on even date resolved to fix the issue price for the Rights Shares at RM1.10 per Rights Share pursuant to the Rights Issue ("Issue Price").
The aforementioned Issue Price represents approximately 49.21% discount to the theoretical ex-all price of RM2.1656 per Dayang Share, calculated based on the five (5)-day WAMP of Dayang Shares as traded on Bursa Securities from 11 January 2011 up to 17 January 2011 of RM3.04.
This announcement is dated 18 January 2011. |