Distribution of up to 292,229,202 ordinary shares in Perdana Petroleum Berhad (Perdana) (Perdana Shares), representing approximately 37.5% equity interest in Perdana held by Dayang Enterprise Holdings Bhd (Dayang) on the basis of approximately 0.302 Perdana Share for each ordinary share held in Dayang (Dayang Share) to the entitled shareholders of Dayang by way of dividend-in-specie (Dividend-In-Specie).
Kindly be advised of the following :
1) The above Company's securities will be traded and quoted "Ex - Offer” as from: 14 Nov 2017
2) The last date of lodgment : 16 Nov 2017
Remarks: We refer to the earlier announcements dated 12 May 2017, 24 July 2017 and 9 August 2017 ("Announcements"), as well as the circular to the shareholders of the Company dated 25 July 2017 ("Circular"). All abbreviations and definitions used herein shall have the same meanings as the words and expressions defined in the Announcements and the Circular. Pursuant to the Dividend-In-Specie which was approved by the shareholders of Dayang at the extraordinary general meeting held on 9 August 2017, the Entitled Shareholders shall receive 0.302 Perdana Share for each Dayang Share held as at 5.00 p.m. on the Entitlement Date. For illustrative purposes only, an Entitled Shareholder holding 1,000 Dayang Shares will be entitled to receive 302 Perdana Shares from the Dividend-In-Specie. In determining the Entitled Shareholders entitlement to the Dividend Shares, fractional entitlements to the Dividend Shares (if any) shall be disregarded and dealt with in such manner or terms as the Board shall in its absolute discretion deems fit, fair and equitable, and in the best interest of the Company. Any residual Dividend Share following the distribution of the Dividend Shares to the Entitled Shareholders will be dealt with in such manner as the Board may deem fit. Accordingly, it is the intention of the Board to retain any residual Dividend Share held by the Company after the Dividend-In-Specie. The reference price of Dayang Shares pursuant to the Dividend-In-Specie will be adjusted using the distribution ratio of 0.302 Perdana Share for each Dayang Share held by the Entitled Shareholders and the audited consolidated net asset per share of Perdana as at 31 December 2016 of RM0.96. For illustration purposes, assuming the closing price on the last cum date of Dayang Share is RM0.87 (based on the closing price of Dayang Share on 31 October 2017), the reference price of Dayang Share pursuant to the Dividend-In-Specie is RM0.58. Barring any unforeseen circumstances, Dayang will distribute the Perdana Shares pursuant to the Dividend-In-Specie within one (1) month from the Entitlement Date.
Stock Name | DAYANG |
Date Announced | 03 Nov 2017 |
Category | Listing Circular |
Reference Number | ILC-03112017-00003 |