Annual Report
Notice of
Annual General Meeting
(a) That the RRPT of a revenue or trading nature entered into are in the
ordinary course of business, they are at arm’s length basis and on
terms not more favourable to the related parties than those generally
available to the public and are not to the detriment of the minority
shareholders of the Company; and
(b) That the proposals are subject to annual renewal and that such
approval shall continue to be in force until:-
the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) of
the Company;
the expiration of the period within the next AGM of the Company
subsequent to the date it is required to be held pursuant to Section
143(1) of the Companies Act 1965 (“the Act”) (but shall not extend
to such extension as may be allowed pursuant to Section 143(2) of
the Act; or
revoked or varied by resolution passed by the shareholders in
general meeting;
whichever is the earlier;
(c) AND THAT the Directors of the Company be authorized to complete
and do all such acts and things as they may consider expedient or
necessary to give effect to the RRPTs contemplated and/or authorized
by this Ordinary Resolution.”
Ordinary Resolution - Proposed Renewal of Authority To Purchase Own Shares
“THAT, subject to the compliance with Section 67A of the Companies Act
1965, and all applicable laws, guidelines, rules and regulations, the Directors
of the Company be and are hereby authorized to purchase such amount
of ordinary shares of RM0.50 each in the Company as determined by the
Directors of the Company from time to time through Bursa Malaysia Securities
Berhad upon such terms and conditions as the Directors may deem fit,
necessary and expedient in the interests of the Company provided THAT :-
(1) The aggregate number of shares to be purchased and/or held pursuant
to this resolution does not exceed ten per centum (10%) of the issued
and paid-up ordinary share capital of the Company;
(2) The amount of fund to be allocated by the Company for the purpose of
purchasing the shares shall not exceed the aggregate of the retained
profits and share premium account of the Company at the time of
purchase of Dayang shares,
(3) The Directors of the Company may decide in their discretion to retain
the shares purchased as treasury shares and/or distribute them as
dividends and/or resell them on the market of Bursa Securities and/or
subsequently cancel all or part of them.
AND THAT authority be and is hereby given to the Directors of the Company
to act and to take all such steps as are necessary or expedient to implement
and finalize and give full effect to the Proposed Share Buy-Back.
Ordinary Resolution 9