Dayang Enterprise Holdings Bhd | Annual Report 2015 - page 155

Dayang Enterprise Holdings Bhd
(Company No. 712243-U)
(Incorporated in Malaysia)
CDS account no.
No. of shares held
I/We …………………………………………………………………………………………………………....................................................................
IC No/ID No/Company no……………………………………………………………………………………………………………............................
of …………………………………………………………………………………………….………………....................................................................
……………………………... of ……………………………………………………………… or failing him, ………………........................................
……………………………… of ………………………………………………………………………………………………….......................................
as my/our proxy/proxies to vote for me/us on my/our behalf at the 10th Annual General Meeting of the Company to be held
at Imperial Hotel, Jalan Pos, 98000 Miri, Sarawak on Wednesday, 25 May 2016 at 11.30 a.m. or any adjournment thereof, in the
manner indicated below:-
Resolution Agenda
To receive the Audited Financial Statements for the financial year ended 31
December 2015 together with the Reports of the Directors and Auditors thereon
Approval of Directors’ Fees
Re-election of Directors pursuant to Article 86(a) of the Company’s Articles of
Tengku Dato’ Yusof Bin Tengku Ahmad Shahruddin
Chia Chu Fatt
Polit Bin Hamzah
Tuan Haji Abdul Aziz Bin Ishak
Re-appointment of Director pursuant to Section 129(6) of the Companies Act,
Datuk Ling Suk Kiong
Reappointment of Auditors: Messrs KPMG as Auditors authorizing the Directors to
fix their remuneration
Proposed Renewal of Shareholders’ Mandate for Recurrent Related Party
Transactions of a revenue or trading nature
Proposed Renewal of authority to purchase own shares
Authority to Issue Shares pursuant to Section 132D of the Companies Act 1965
(Please indicate with an “X” in the spaces above how you wish your votes to be casted on the resolution specified in the Notice of Meeting. If no specific direction as to
the voting is indicated, the proxy/proxies will vote or abstain from voting as he/she/they think(s) fit.)
Dated this …………….. day of …………………… 2016
Signature of Shareholder(s)/Common Seal
A proxy may but need not be a member of the Company and the provisions of Section 149(1)(b) of the Act shall not apply to the Company.
To be valid this form duly completed must be deposited at the Registered Office of the Company at Sublot 5-10, Lot 46, Block 10, Jalan
Taman Raja, 98000 Miri, Sarawak not less than forty-eight (48) hours before the time set for holding the meeting or any adjournment thereof.
A member shall be entitled to appoint more than one (1) proxy to attend and vote at the same meeting provided that the provisions of
Section 149(1)(c) of the Act are complied with.
Where a member appoints more than one (1) proxy, the appointment shall be invalid unless he specifies the proportions of his holdings to
be represented by each proxy.
If the appointer is a corporation, this form must be executed under its common seal or under the hand of an officer or attorney duly
Where a member of the Company is an exempt authorised nominee which holds ordinary shares in the Company for multiple beneficial
owners in one securities account (omnibus account), there is no limit to the number of proxies which the exempt authorised nominee may
appoint in respect of each omnibus account it holds.
Only members registered in the Record of Depositors as at 18 May 2016 shall be eligible to attend the meeting or appoint proxy to attend
and vote on his/her behalf.
Please take note that interested directors, interested major shareholders or interested persons connected with a director or major
shareholder, and where it involves the interest of an interested person connected with a director or major shareholder, such director
or major shareholder, must not vote in respect of their direct and/or indirect shareholdings on the resolution approving the Proposed
Shareholders’ Mandate.
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