Dayang Enterprise Holdings Bhd | Annual Report 2015 - page 26

Annual Report
Corporate Social Resposibility
1.3 Management Quality, Health, Safety,
Security and Environment (“QHSSE”)
Away Day
The Company also held a Management
QHSSE Away Day session for the year 2015
for key personnel on 07th January 2016 at
Borneo Rainforest Resorts, Miri, Sarawak.
Senior Management also participated in
the programme to ensure their personal
commitment and demonstrate visible
leadership and promote effective
collaboration through the sharing of best
practices in maintaining QHSSE.
The main objective is to plan and discuss
QHSSE issues, current projects and
forecast performance as well as the
company’s direction and way forward for
the year 2016 challenges.
During the financial year, the Group had made
monetary donation amounting to RM142,139.00
to various organizations like charities, sports
activities and religious establishments. These
contributions were in line with the Group’s
commitment to support and keep abreast with
society’s evolving needs.
In conjunction with the Company’s Quality,
Health, Safety, Security and Environmental
(QHSSE) Campaign, the Company organised a
various activities namely:
Blood Donation Drive at its Miri Head
Office on 02th September, 2015
Labuan Blood Donation conducted on
05th September, 2015
Fund Raising Activities such as:
• Charity Car Wash;
• Charity Golf Tournament.
The Company also supported Charity Golf
tournaments organised by Dayang Recreation
Club (DRC), Tetuan PIBG Sek Keb(A) Majlis Islam
Sarawak for NC3 Golf Classic Tournament 2015,
Eastwood Valley Golf & Country Club for Chief
Minister Golf Tournament and Kelab Golf Miri for
27th KGM Amateur Open Golf Championship.
The Group has given opportunities to
undergraduate students to take part in the
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