Dayang Enterprise Holdings Bhd | Annual Report 2015 - page 50

Annual Report
Delegate Authority Limits (“DAL”)
The Board’s approving authority on certain specified activities is delegated to the Management through a
clearly defined DAL which is the primary instrument that governs and manages the business decision making
process in the Group. This is to ensure accountability, segregation of duties and control over the Group’s decision
making process.
Quality Management System
Quality Management System which complies with ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management Systems Requirements
is implemented in one of the Companies in the Group. Quality Assurance and Quality Control (“QAQC”)
Department is tasked to audit the operating units to ensure compliance to the ISO standards.
Policies and Procedures
Policies and procedures relating to human resources, finance, warehouse, procurement, project handling,
information system, health, safety and environment for the operating units within the Group have been
established. Regular reviews are performed to ensure that the policies and procedures remain current and
relevant. The Group’s policies are available on the Company’s intranet for easy access by the employees.
Quality, Health, Safety, Security and Environment (“QHSSE”)
The Corporate QHSSE Department is responsible for setting the overall direction on QHSSE implementation within
the Group. It also monitors performance to ensure QHSSE risk are managed to as low as reasonably practicable.
For the financial year, the Group has achieved zero (0) Loss Time Injury (“LTI”) incident. Yearly QHSSE meeting
was organised by the QHSSE Department at the end of year 2014, attended by key personnel represented
from each operation units to communicate the FY15 QHSSE plan. QHSSE Campaign for FY15 with the theme
“Make Quality and HSSE as our culture” was conducted in the month of September 2015 to create the QHSSE
awareness among the employees in the Company.
The Board review the effectiveness of risk management and internal controls system based on information from:
• Senior Management within the organisation responsible for the development and maintenance of the risk
management framework and internal controls system; and
• The work by the internal audit function which submit reports to the Audit Committee together with the
assessment of the internal controls system relating to key risks and recommendations for improvement.
The Board is satisfied that during the FY15, the existing risk management framework and internal controls system
are sound and adequate to safeguard the Group’s assets at the existing level of operation of the Group. The
Board recognises that the development of risk management framework and internal controls system is an
ongoing process. Therefore, in striving for continuous improvement, the Board will continue to take appropriate
action plans to further enhance the Group’s system of risk management and internal controls system.
Statement on Risk Management
and Internal Control
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