Annual Report
The Directors have pleasure in submitting their report and the audited financial statements of the Group and of
the Company for the year ended 31 December 2015.
Principal activities
The Company is principally engaged in investment holding while the principal activities of the subsidiaries are
as stated in Note 6 to the financial statements. Other than the principal activities of an associate that became
a subsidiary as disclosed in Note 6, there has been no significant change in the nature of these activities during
the financial year.
Group Company
Profit for the year attributable to:
Owners of the Company
172,170,314 11,393,736
Non-controlling interests
170,677,056 11,393,736
Reserves and provisions
There were no material transfers to or from reserves and provisions during the financial year under review.
Since the end of the previous year, the Company paid a second interim single-tier exempt dividend of RM0.035
per ordinary share of RM0.50 each totalling RM30,698,498 in respect of the year ended 31 December 2014 on
14 April 2015.
The Directors do not recommend any dividend to be paid for the year under review.
Directors of the Company
Directors who served since the date of the last report are:
Tengku Dato’ Yusof Bin Tengku Ahmad Shahruddin
Datuk Ling Suk Kiong
Joe Ling Siew Loung @ Lin Shou Long
Gordon Kab @ Gudan Bin Kab
Chia Chu Fatt
Polit Bin Hamzah
Tuan Haji Abdul Aziz Bin Ishak
Jeanita Anak Gamang
Wong Ping Eng
Azlan Shah Bin Jaffril
Koh Ek Chong
Ali Bin Adai
Datuk Hasmi Bin Hasnan (resigned on 23.12.2015)
for the year ended 31 December 2015